
Review – Men In Black: International

The tried and tested outline for the Men In Black movies hasn’t changed for the fourth instalment, Men In Black: International. If you can cast your memories back to the original Will Smith entries to the Men In Black franchise it was full of fun, the aliens were new and quirky and there was a little bit of action along the way. Rather than continue to change it up for Men In Black 1, 2 or 3 they were rather the same. And that’s exactly what you will find with Men In Black: International, the same.

After spending the most part of her life knowing the Men In Black existed but unable to find them, Molly (Tessa Thompson) was wasting her days in a call centre. But by chance, Molly intercepted an incoming spacecraft and followed the MIB to their secret location.

Pleading to let the MIB allow her to work for them, Molly becomes Agent M and is given her first assignment. Working alongside Agent H (Chris Hemsworth) the two set off on an adventure around the world investigating alien attacks.

But to add to the Agent’s investigation there’s also a mole within the UK branch along with the Agents being followed. After the two work together they quickly come to realise what they are up against is a lot bigger than they bargained for.

The storyline doesn’t bring anything new or exciting. It’s not much different than what has come to be expected from the previous Men In Black films. But that isn’t to say the film is by any means boring. It’s 1 hour and 54 minutes makes it a short but sweet film.

Where the film lacks is in its attempt to bring more aliens to the screen or when they are onscreen be a little more creative. The most clever alien conception was the beard of a man being a separate creature.

The part that makes Men In Black: International work is the wonderful chemistry between Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth. The two have already had a history on the screen together when they worked on Thor: Ragnarok. The two seemed to bounce off of each other and play up to the comedy throughout.

Tessa Thompson (Westworld, Dear White People, Creed) who plays Molly or Agent M seems to have a bit of fun with this role. She kicks ass and while there isn’t a great deal of emotional attachment required from her, she manages to tell a thousand stories with one look within one of the final scenes.

Chris Hemsworth (Thor, Bad Times and the El Royal, Home and Away) is Agent H and plays up to the bad boy of the UK branch of MIB. Hemsworth doesn’t bring anything new to his performance from what has come to be known from his work as Thor. He does, however, have a humorous scene involving a hammer.

Overall Men In Black: International doesn’t bring anything new or exciting to the franchise. The intergalactic shenanigans continue with the new wave of Men In Black. It doesn’t, however, leave you wishing you’d watched something else. With a lovely on screen matching between Thompson and Hemsworth the film is a bit of easy to watch sci-fi fun.

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