Review: House of Cards Season 4 Episode 7 – 10

What more is there to be said about House of Cards?

The series continues to dominate by playing the long game, and as such episodic reviews become all the more difficult to deliver. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are an unstoppable duo on and off the screen. Their devotion is what makes House of Cards work.

It makes me wonder who conjured the idea of Claire running for Vice-President? Hinted earlier on in the series and then abandoned amidst the shooting, the notion just seems unfathomable. Though in a world with Donald Trump, doesn’t everything? Large chunks of plot are assuring the audience this is unorthodox but doable, and I am only just being convinced.

With the party nomination out of the way the search is on for a viable Vice-President, despite Donald’s surprising restraint during the Russia crisis. After some toying with the NRA – ultra-topical, though deliberately rather than accidental – the smart choice is Cathy Durant. As Cathy notes to Frank, she knows his games and won’t roll over so easily.

Claire wants the Vice-Presidency for the marriage to remain viable. Frank reluctantly agrees, and a long con through an open forum ends in dramatic confrontation. Cathy needs to hand her votes over to Claire or she will be ruined, just like every other of Frank’s opponents. Cathy reluctantly agrees, although she opens the door for a Heather Dunbar comeback.

Speaking of, Dunbar travels to speak with Tom about the Underwood conspiracy. Don’t know who Tom is? House of Cards has kindly surrounded him with dogs to differentiate himself from every other wannabe sleuth. He is Zoe and Lucas’ old boss and was initially sceptical of everything until the assassination attempt. It’s twinged something in his mind, and the travel records of freshly-deceased Edward Meecham seem to confirm it.

It makes me wonder where the series is heading for its dramatic conclusion? The first season ended with the Vice-Presidency secure. The second with the Presidency. The third with Claire leaving. Early money would suggest re-election, though as the tide continues to turn its possible House of Cards could pull a Suits and have the main character arrested.

Heather Dunbar, Cathy Durant and Jackie Sharp are all against him. He even crowed to Durant about his openness to murdering Peter Russo and Zoe Barnes. The number of bodies is mounting and the army around him is weakening.

The staff are squabbling, with Doug recruiting Seth to dig up dirt on Leanne. There’s nothing, so Seth comes to clean to Leanne who swiftly rips Doug apart. His paranoia is becoming a detriment to their plight and it is something that will come back to bite them.

He also has an outburst in Seth’s direction, which might be something down the line.

Every move is setting up fifty more moves down the line. Even the showrunners don’t know how every twist will unfold. Dunbar’s sending Tom is Remy’s direction. Recently blackmailed and heartbroken, he’s always been the consummate professional. He’s a wildcard.

Frank’s other opponent comes from the Republicans. Youthful and media-savvy Conway is using every trick in his book to win the election. It’s standard House of Cards fare and it’s entertaining to see the show return to its grassroots. His plays so far have been excellent and continue to test television’s greatest politician.

More as it comes, but even at the finale there will still be a thousand unresolved avenues. House of Cards is bingeable for a reason.

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