TV Review – Hart of Dixie Season 4


After 8 weeks of waiting for Wade to make up his mind about their relationship status, Zoe decided timing with them was never right. I mean if you caught the first episode of Season 4, you’d know the chosen plot-line is a surprise pregnancy for Zoe and she’s not taking it well. First of all, she’s avoiding the whole idea and not sharing with anyone but Annabeth figures it out due to Zoe’s strange behaviour by connecting the dots.

Rose asks Zoe to teach the teenage girls about Sex Education ( obviously expecting Zoe was going to be all hip and cool about it) but instead Zoe got emotional and bored them with facts. After, Zoe tells Rose about this new “Hair Curler” that she received in the mail unexpectedly and wasn’t sure she if she was ready for curly hair. An interesting metaphor for a baby but Rose too figures out the problem and convinces her to talk to Wade. However, Wade takes Zoe to dinner only to say he wants to take things slow and go on dates (which was Lemon’s Advice).

How does Zoe react? By going into a spiral of sadness and burying herself in cookie crumbs. Annabeth and Lemon try to cheer Zoe up but let’s face it, the only way to fix the confusion is to tell Wade. Caught off guard while downing his sorrows away with the George and Lavon, Wade meets Zoe outside to talk. She shares the news of her pregnancy  with him explaining that she plans to do everything alone. In complete shock, Wade walks back into his house breaking the news to the guys who also begin to freak out.



As for Lavon and George, they are try to find flaws in Lemon’s new man Henry, even if that means questioning a bunch of people. This meant turning on their Southern charm on the ladies. The pair discover roses being sent to another woman, the Langford maid in which they share the news with the local blog so that everyone hears about. Little to their knowledge, Lemon and Henry are both faking the relationship so they can get money off their grandmothers. While Brick and Shelby discuss coming out about their secret romance.

So far, Season 4 has heaps of potential to maintain the drama and excitement. Let’s hope Hart of Dixie gets renewed!

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